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How we do it

How we do it

Creating a more sustainable chemical sector demands engagement from every stakeholder working in chemical supply chains. Members of Together for Sustainability (TfS) encourage their suppliers to be assessed and/or audited to gauge – and ultimately improve – their sustainability performance.

What is assessed and audited

Though Assessments and Audits vary in their approach, Management, Environmental, Health & Safety, Labour & Human Rights and Governance performance is measured.


Assessments are conducted entirely online

For a TfS Assessment, a supplier completes an online questionnaire, providing supporting information of their Environmental, Social, Ethical and Supply Chain practice. This is reviewed, evaluated, and supplemented with a “360° watch” of external stakeholder opinion. The resulting Assessment scorecard is made available to all TfS members and may be shared, by the supplier, to non-TfS buyers.

Learn more
TfS Assessments – Quick guide for TfS suppliers


Audits are usually conducted on-site

Audits provide a deeper look into sustainability practice at a supplier. A TfS Audit is conducted by an approved external auditor and can cover a single or combined business location. Sustainability performance is verified against a defined set of audit criteria on Management, Environment, Health & Safety, Labour & Human Rights, and Governance issues. The results are shared with the supplier company and all TfS members.

Learn more
Download the audit preparation checklist
Download the TfS Audit Methodology


All buyer/supplier information remains confidential. Although Assessment and Audit scorecards are shared throughout the TfS membership, buyer-supplier relationships are never disclosed.



TfS Assessments and Audits result in a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) to address particular shortcomings. This enables suppliers to improve their sustainability performance and therefore increase their commercial appeal to responsible chemical buyers.

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Scope 3 GHG Emissions programme

Scope 3 GHG Emissions programme

Scope 3 (upstream) GHG emissions constitute a major share of a chemical company’s emissions. To monitor, manage and reduce these emissions requires an industry-wide harmonised approach to calculation. The TfS Scope 3 GHG Programme addresses this need.

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Support and training

Support and training

TfS provides tools to support suppliers towards continuous improvement. The TfS Academy provides free access to training materials to all TfS members and their selected suppliers.

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Where to start

Are you interested in improving the sustainability of your own chemical supply chains? Are you ready to collaborate and benefit from a simplified and assured evaluation process? Get in touch to find out how we can – together – build chemical supply chains for a better world.

Contact us


TfS supports its members and their suppliers through a range of on- and offline services. These include regular multilingual webinars on topics of interest; Assessment and Audit sharing platforms; reports and newsletters. TfS members contribute to pilot projects, keeping at the forefront of – and developing new industry standards for – sustainability in chemical supply chains.

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